If you have ever washed a towel and it came out stiff and scratchy, you know how frustrating that can be. It seems like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get the softness back. Well, we’re here to help! In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to make towels soft again and how to keep them that way. Follow these simple steps and your towels will be as soft as new in no time!
Let’s dig into why your towels aren’t soft anymore, and how to keep towels soft and fluffy!
There are a few reasons why towels can become stiff. One reason is using too much detergent. When you use too much detergent, it doesn’t all rinse out in the wash cycle. This leaves a residue on your towels that can make them stiff and scratchy. Another reason is not using enough fabric softener. Without it, your towels can become stiff and difficult to work with.
Finally, not washing your towels often enough can also lead to stiffness. Towels are designed to absorb water and they will do just that – even if it’s from the air around them! If you don’t wash your towels often enough, they can become musty and stiff.
Now that we know some of the reasons why towels can become stiff, let’s talk about some common mistakes people make when washing them that make them less soft.
If you’re ready to avoid those common mistakes people make, let’s talk about how to make towels soft again!
Now that your towels are soft again, let’s talk about how to wash towels to keep them soft!
What you’ll need:
We hope you enjoyed these tips on how to clean dingy towels and that you’re on your way to a house full of soft fresh towels! For more laundry tips check out our blog, and if you need help with a washer and dryer repair, call the trusted team at Fix Appliance Repair