If YOU had a dime for every lint catch / trap WE clean out on service calls, well you’d be on a beach somewhere. We are going to run through the quick and easy DIY task of cleaning out your dryer’s lint catch (and yes some call it lint trap) and your dryer vent, as well.
Most of you already know the whys and hows of it, but there are a surprising number of folks out there who don’t even know the lint trap exists and that you need to clean it out after each and every load of laundry. Let’s start with “What is this lint you speak of anyway?” Lint is tiny, practically dust mote sized particles that release into your dryer from the items you are laundering. These particles need to be caught so they can build up in your lint catch / trap for you to clean out . Some of you may be noticing that it is suddenly taking longer for your clothes to dry. Well…. a full lint trip could be the number one reason why. If you let the lint build up, it will cause your dryer’s motor to work harder and slower, which leads to the unit using more energy. Ah! See there? Now you’re saving on that gas or electric bill by keeping the lint catch cleaned out! That’s an excellent motivator right there! Not all models are the same, so if you aren’t sure where the lint catch is, pull out the Use & Care Guide and check it out. If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned it…. Or maybe never, don’t be surprised when you pull out a very cushy albeit tiny quilt. Maybe something the cat or dog can use?
Okay, so we’ve cleaned out the lint catch. Why do we need to also clean out the dryer vent? First of all, lint catches simply do not and cannot catch every single particle of lint from your clothing, bedding, towels, etc., so it flows on and into the vent. You’ll want to pull the dryer out and clean the back of it and check that vent every three months or so. Once the lint starts building up in there, it will definitely slow down your dryer’s performance level, and more to the point it is now a fire hazard! The determined and enterprising among you can clean the vent yourself, but if you’re more inclined to throw your hands up in the air, there are many professionals out and about your community who will gladly come help you out!
Don’t Let This Be You!
So what have we learned today? Lint bad! Full lint catch and dryer vent bad! Clean lint catch and dryer vent very good! If it helps, add a reminder to your handy Apple watch or phone of choice and be lint worry free. As always, feel free to give us a ring if you’re having any issues. Thank you for letting our family help yours!